May 30th, 2011
Quality over quantity
It is easy to freak out when you suddenly find out that you need to pass a drug test, especially when you just used the night before. When faced with such a problem, it is important to stay calm and not over-think it, because it is always happens that when you trying to choose the best solution, you end up only harming yourself.
- Good morning, do you answer questions? I think I may have a problem here – I had to go for a urine drug test this morning, and I got a couple things that would help me pass, but I think I am doing something wrong. I will give you a little bit of my history – I am a daily smoker, and there is no way I can pass a test on my own. Naturally, I went and got this stuff to help me get clean – I was not sure which one was the best, so I got one of everything. When I got home and started reading the instructions, I noticed that all these capsules say “for light users,” and I do not think I am light at all. I did not know what else to do, so this morning I decided to take all of them just in case, one by one. There were three boxes and one jar, and altogether with all of them I ended up drinking almost two gallons of water, which now I know was not such a good idea – I can hardly move, and have to go relieve myself every fifteen minutes. My urine looks like clear water – do you think I can pass the test now, or would it be better to reschedule?
- If you drank so much water, your urine is diluted right now, so if you can reschedule the test – do it. And for the next time we can recommend you a detox product for heavy users, which is strong and does not require overdrinking right before the test.