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  • May 11th, 2010

    Saliva Testing

    Saliva testing is slowly starting to become more popular. There are a lot of reasons why some companies would chose it over any other kind of test. Unlike a urine or blood test, collecting a sample for a saliva test is much easier. Companies also feel that it is much more difficult to give a false sample this way where as urine tests are a lot easier. Basically they think it is easier to cheat a urine test. The collection of the saliva is done in an open public place where as urine testing is done in private.

    The sample collected by saliva testing is done by a swab that is placed in between the lower cheek and gum for about two minutes. This pad gets saturated and transferred to a collection vial. This is obviously a much easier way then urine, blood or hair testing and the results are a lot quicker.

    If a company is looking for a long detection of drug use saliva testing is not the way to go. Saliva testing can be used securely to see if a person has used drugs within the last 24 hours but will not detect a history of drug use. Saliva tests can read up to 8 drugs in the body. Most people would like to know why urine testing is still so much more popular then saliva test. The reason for this is because without urine testing labs would not be making any money since saliva tests are instant.

    In the future saliva testing will replace more other kinds of drug testing. If ever in need to pass a saliva test use Mouthwash. It is undetectable and works great.

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