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  • June 25th, 2010

    The need for detox products


    After doing some research on websites about new drug testing procedures I have noticed a few things.

    Drug addiction websites are lessening the duration charts that tell you how long a drug stays in your system for. For example some websites say that a HEAVY/CHRONIC user will only have THC/Marijuana in their system for a few days. When in all reality the drug really stays in your system for weeks to even months. Also if you notice there is not much information on these sites about hair drug test, saliva, or blood drug test. The reason for this is these companies do not want you to be able to “beat” a drug test.

    So instead of being honest these companies are now short changing people by leading them to believe toxins only stay in their system for an “xx” amount of time. This is so they benefit from your Positive test result when you’re told to go get “Treatment”.

    This is more of a reason to purchase detox products. You never know who is giving you facts or who is waiting to watch you fail! So, protect yourself. If you have any questions call. If you think you may fail it does not hurt to use a product.

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