December 7th, 2012
What’s the deal?
What is a detox product? A little something that can help you pass a drug test. There are various types of drug tests, so there are various detox products to be used in every situation. For instance, if you have a urine drug test you do not need to use a detoxifying shampoo, but if you have a hair drug test, you will definitely need one. So you better make sure you know what type of drug test you will have!
- Hello, I was wondering if I can ask you a quick question? I just need to make sure I got the right detox product. I need to pass a hair drug test in a few days, and I have this body cleanser, I just want to make sure it will work. It says on the instructions to stay clean for a minimum of 48 hours before the test, I have been clean only for a day – do you think it will work?
- What type of body cleanser do you have? If you have a hair drug test, you will need a detox shampoo.
- Why, the drink will not work? It says it cleanses the whole body of all toxins.
- Detox drinks usually work only for urine drug test, not for anything else, definitely not for hair. It is a dead element with no blood flow in it, so it is impossible to clean hair from the inside, only topical application of a detox shampoo will work for this type of drug testing.