February 22nd, 2010
When in doubt
- How long do toxins stay in your body?
This is the question that is being asked at least ten times a day. For different toxins it is a different time frame, but one is true for all toxins – they get trapped inside of hair and stay there until it is cut off.
- How far back can they go? If the toxins stay there forever, can they see what I did last year? – The customer had a hair test coming up and was doing a “research.”
- Technically, they could, if your hair was long enough, but usually they don’t go further than three month back.
- Oh, great! I quit smoking exactly three month ago! So, I should be good, right?
- Not necessarily. Toxins stay in your body for a while after you’ve quit, – THC stays with you for at least several weeks after your last time, and meanwhile hair grows contaminated, so you might need to use a detox shampoo on your test day.
- No, I think I should be fine. If I stayed clean for three month and my piss is clean now, I think I should be fine.
- M’am, clean urine does not guarantee clean hair sample. If you stopped smoking exactly three month ago, they still might detect toxins in your hair.
- Ok, thank you!The conversation ended too abruptly and I didn’t have a chance to tell her about our hair testing kit – if for some reason you don’t want to use a detox shampoo on your test day, make sure to test your hair beforehand. There are private labs that will do testing exactly like the ones the do official tests. Clean body does not guarantee clean hair sample, so it might be a good idea to get the pre-paid hair test and let a private lab give you accurate results before you need to face something inevitable.
Needles to say that she called us back asking why she did not pass.