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  • February 16th, 2011

    8 Panel Drug Test

    Read about 8 panel drug test.

    Drug testing is considered to be an effective tool that can discourage the use of illegal drugs. Many experts are of the opinion that the fear of failing a drug test and being subjected to dreadful consequences can deter the use of drugs at workplaces and high schools. There has been a rise in the drug abusing population in the past decades and the rate is still steeping high. This has led to the emergence of drug testing programs in workplaces and high schools. The use of alcohol and illegal drugs can create safety and health hazards leading to absenteeism and less productivity at the workplace.

    With the help of a Drug testing policy, the employers can filter these less productive elements. The employers are required to provide rehabilitation facilities for those in need so that they can overcome the drug detox symptoms.

    The drugs and drug metabolites can be detected in the urine, blood, hair and saliva of the subject. The detection period varies from person to person depending upon their physiological features and the exposure to the drug. A variety of drug testing kits are available in the markets and online drug stores these days. Single panel and multi panel drug testing kits can be used by the parents suspecting their wards for substance abuse at the ease of their home. A standard drug testing lab screens for the five most commonly abused drugs counting cannabis, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines and PCP. Whereas the 8 panel drug test can detect the presence of drugs like methadone, barbiturates and benzodiazepines which are on the high along with the five drugs mentioned above.

    The 8 panel drug testing kit can be purchased at the workplaces to administer the staff. The testing kits are easy to use and provide instantaneous results. An adulteration test is also included so as to eliminate the chances of tampering. The cutoffs are set according to the standards of SAMHSA. The kit is easy to use and is reliable. They can detect multiple drugs in the system utilizing the same sample.

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