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  • February 16th, 2011

    Absolute De-tox Drug Test Pass

    Benefit of drinking Absolute detox drug test pass drink

    Absolute Detox Carbo drink is a detoxifying product, which can hold toxins in your body permitting you for passing a urine drug test successfully. Several toxins get stored in fat cells of your body and are released if fat cells are burned. This drink prevents your body from burning fat cells for up to five hours so toxins are never released. Absolute Detox drink acts on all of the toxins as well as is unnoticeable. It is made for people, who smoke four times a week or less. When a person is over 200 Ibs then it is suggested they consume 2 drinks before a testing as well as drink 2 full of bottles of water. Absolute detox drug test pass drink has almost 99.6% success rate in beating drug tests when direction are followed rightly. You need to shake bottle before you drink. You need to drink entire content and after fifteen minutes, you can drink 16 oz. of water. You need to wait for 45 minutes to be efficient.

    Now let us have a look at the directions. You must evade toxins 48 hours before the deadline. Never drink more than 16 oz of water for every hour. On the day of deadline, you should drink as well as eat usual quantities and evade foods that are great in sugar. If it is possible, you must schedule drug test deadline for afternoon as well as urinate 3 to 4 times after taking this detox drink. Drink is efficient for 45 minutes to 5 hours but peak efficiency is at two hours. With any drug testing, you must evade foods that are high in sugar content and evade tiring exercise the day of drug testing. If not, you can drink and eat normally. Drink tastes well when it is refrigerated prior to intake.

    Absolute detox drug test pass is made for light to moderate users over 200lbs or for people under 200 Ibs, who require a more potent detox drink.

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    How to pass