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  • December 24th, 2010

    Anyway To Pass Drug Test

    Read about anyway to pass drug test.

    Drug testing is the best way of determining whether an individual is under the influence of substance abuse or not. Drug testing is now mandatory in many workplaces, schools and many institutions. There are numerous methods available to pass a drug test. Many online drug stores have now come up with excellent products to help pass a drug test. There are home drug testing kits that allows one to perform drug test at the convenience of home atmosphere and ensure whether one is clean before the deadline. Failing to pass a drug test can be a reason for many dreadful consequences.

    One of the methods of avoiding detection of drugs is by buying the products available in markets. One can buy synthetic urine and substitute their urine with the synthetic ones if they are wondering how to pass the piss test. This can work very well if the subject is not supervised. The other problem is that the labs are much aware of what the temperature of the fresh urine sample should be, so it risky to evade the urine drug tests by using substitution methods. But if you don’t have much of time then this is the only method.

    The other way is to cleanse the system and pass a screening the natural way. First of all detoxify the system by drinking lots of fluids and urinating frequently. This will dilute the urine and lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system below the threshold that can test one positive. Start washing yourself out a week prior to the screening, although it is much more important few hours before the test.

    THC, being fat soluble is stored in the fatty tissues of the system. Exercising will burn these tissues by stimulating the body metabolism rate. Thus the metabolites will be released in the bloodstream and ultimately be flushed out of the system. But burning of cells should be stopped 48 hours prior to the test as this will release more metabolites in the urine. Eating food rich in protein like red meat will help normalize the creatinine levels in the urine. Labs can perform a sample integrity test and might check the creatinine levels.

    Hope these tips will help you conquer a drug test and you come out with flying colors!

    How to pass