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  • December 24th, 2010

    Army Drug Testing

    Read about army drug testing

    If you get a chance to serve your nation that what would be better than that. This can be done through the army. Getting an admission in the army is as tough as getting flesh out of a hungry lion’s mouth. To become an army officer you need to be intelligent and swift and above all also a non- drug addict person. Yes, to pass the exams for an army entry you need to be a drug free person. You might consume drugs to pass the physical exams but then you will surely fail the army drug testing if you do not take care of that test also. In this article you will find the importance of that test in one’s life and also ways to pass it.

    Army drug testing is certainly important if you want to make a career in any of the defense forces be it Navy, Air force or the Army. To get an admission in to the defense forces you need to be smart, intelligent and also fast in your activities. Discipline is the real ornament for an army officer. Before you get admitted in the force you need to pass a written test paper and also a physical exam. If you are thinking about consuming drugs to pass the physical exams then let me alert you that the next test would be a drug test.

    A drug test is the most important one to pass because if you pass the rest of the tests and fail a dug test then your physical and mental exam results will also be rejected even if you have scored well in it. Passing a drug test in the military is quite important and if you fail it then not only will you be rejected for the post but you will also have to face serious consequences for the consumption of illicit drugs.

    Failing a military drug test will never allow you to apply again for the post and you will spoil your career. If you want to pass this test then you need to get complete info about passing a drug test. You need to find the exact drugs included in the panel of drugs for military drug testing. You can get information through online drug test for thc or other such drugs.

    How to pass
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