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  • February 16th, 2011

    Aspirin And Drug Test

    Read about aspirin and drug test.

    Drug testing is considered to be the best way to discover the use of illegal drugs by the subject. With the ever increasing population abusing illicit drugs, drug tests have become mandatory. Urinalysis is the most common method employed by many employers for the purpose of screening. This is because, a urine test is the optimum drug test with respect to the drug detection period, the expenses involved for performing the test and the accuracy of the method. Drug test for hair is the most reliable one as it can detect the long term as well as recent use of drugs.

    Marijuana, also famous as pot is the most commonly abused drug in United States and many other countries as well. A drug test for marijuana looks for the presence of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana) in the system. These metabolites are generally detected using a urine test and aspirins are believed to interfere with the piss test for THC. Many people who were successful in getting through the test recommended taking 4 aspirin a night before the deadline to pass drug test. There are several methods to cheat a drug test, however if you do not have much of time at your disposal then this is the only option. Synthetic urine samples might help you only if you are not going to be supervised. Moreover, it is riskier to use substitution method because if caught, the subject will have to face many dreadful consequences.

    Drug test were basically instituted by the government to discourage the practice of doing illegal drugs. The fear of testing positive and failing a drug test can discourage many potential drug abusers. However, if the test is not conducted properly then there can be chances of false positive. False positive is a case of mistaken identity when a person tests positive for a specific drug even if he has not been using it. Avoid the use of all unnecessary toxins prior to the screening as they can register a false positive. As far as passing a piss test is concerned, you need to take regular fat burning exercises. Aspirin, on the other hand, will prevent detection of toxins. You can surely give this a try!

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