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  • October 11th, 2010

    At Home Hair Drug Test

    Take the at home hair drug test

    There are some people who will find it a bit embarrassing to go to the drug testing laboratory to get a drug test procedure done. In such a case, there is no need to worry as there is the option of take the at home hair drug test. Drug testing kits are available easily these days to make it more convenient to do the tests at home. If it is the DOT – Department of Transportation test you have to take then you might be surely looking for ways to beat dot drug test. The only thing is that it could be a little difficult to pass a drug test. If you are the driver of a large vehicle like a bus or truck then you may have to go through such test.

    Be careful while diluting urine samples:

    If you want to beat dot drug test then you have to find different methods to do so. One of the most common methods is the dilution method. Those smoking pot can think of diluting their urine sample and if you are into the habit of using other products for drug abuse then you better be extra careful then. Synthetic urine available in powdered form these days can be considered one of the best methods to pass a drug test. You could also consider taking urine sample of one of your closest friends. Lab authorities too are getting more careful these days and know different ways to detect artificial urine or masked urine.

    There are times when you have to take the at home hair drug test and you could land into a tricky situation if you are not prepared. Parents may want to do a drug test at home in case there is any doubt about the teenager doing the shots. Drinking sufficient quantities of water is the best way of getting toxic substances flushed out of the body system. Beverages like tea and coffee are also considered as excellent sources to get rid of toxins from the body as basically these beverages are diuretics. Diuretics are mainly responsible for reducing water content in the body as well as deadly toxins. You could also consider consuming food items that contain a lot of antioxidants. Broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, grapes, strawberries, cranberries, etc. have rich sources of antioxidants which help in flushing out toxins from the body.

    How to pass