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  • December 24th, 2010

    Avoiding Hair Collecting Drug Test

    Read more for ways in avoiding hair collecting drug test.

    Hair collecting drug test drug test is comparatively new form in drug testing. It eliminates several disadvantages which occur in different modes of drug testing. Normally, all class 5 drugs you can screen with the hair drug testing. Drug class includes Cocaine, Opiates Amphetamines, Phencyclidine and Marijuana (THC). With hair drug screening you can check drug presence for longer duration. It is scientifically proved that with hair testing, you can efficiently check evidence of drug metabolites till 3 months long period. Hair testing method is quite simple, however essentially required proper laboratory set up and analytical instruments. Something like 50-60 hair strands are needed to perform the test. Furthermore, they required to be cut from close to scalp. Ideally hair sample should be 1.5 inch long in length. You can say that per 0.5 inch represents the month. Keeping hair shorter than 1.5 inch can be one way for avoiding hair collecting drug test. However, other body part hair can be suited under such circumstances.

    As discussed earlier, you can not perform hair drug test with the home base kit. It essentially required complete lab set up. As a result hair cost of a hair drug test is comparatively high and less performing form of drug screening. Still you can not ignore some good points of hair drug testing. Generally it takes 4-5 days for drug metabolites to restores at the scalp. Growth of other body hair part takes little larger time, so you can not predict positive result with the same. One most frequently asked question about hair drug testing is whether second hand smoke (thc/ marijuana) cause difficulty in getting negative result. Well, there is very slight possibility to catch secondhand smoke with hair drug testing. One reason for the same is, unlike other testing method hair drug screening looks for both metabolite and parent drug presence. Here take a note that, drug metabolites present in one’s body only if he directly consumes it. For example, in screening against marijuana, hair drug testing detects its metabolites ( TCH- COOH) . And only body is responsible for metabolic production. No environmental contaminant generates drug metabolites inside the body.

    Hair drug testing offers several other advantages like reliable and accurate result. Less chances of sample temperament and less awkwardness while giving drug test as well.

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