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  • November 9th, 2010

    Beat Marijuana Test

    Read about beat marijuana drug test.

    Drug testing is conducted by many employers in their organization these days. They would not like inefficient staff in their organizations. Drug testing was not quite popular in the olden days but it has increased with the increase in the drug habits of the population. People take drugs due to many reasons like depression, loneliness, etc. But an employer always desires a drug free atmosphere in his organization and thus keeps a check on his employees by conducting drug tests. Some of them may give you an intimation of the screening whereas some might conduct random drug testing. Are you a smoker and searching for ways to beat marijuana test? Then you ought to read this article.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in the United States revealed a recent study. Marijuana has a major ingredient-THC, which gets stored in the fat cells. It thus can be detected in a urine, blood or hair drug test. The urine drug testing is the most common method followed as it gives reliable result as well as it is the cheapest amongst all the drug testing methods. Marijuana stays in your system for about 90 days. Although not being a harmful drug, it can test you negative. You can surely avail the detoxifying kits and solutions available in the market and clean your system in case of a random test. But if you have ample of time in hand then why waste money? Go through the following tips to beat marijuana drug test:

    • Drinking a lot of fluids so as to lower the concentration of drug and drug metabolites is the most common tactic to pass drug test. Drink tons of water for a week daily prior to the test and you can flush the toxins out of your system.
    • Urinate frequently; this will help to wash off the residues of drugs from the body. Diuretics can help you stimulate urination.
    • Exercising will burn the fat cells where THC’s are stored. So start working out and stop it 2 days before the test as exercising will release THC in the urine.
    • Protein rich red meat will help you cheat the lab drug tests as it will increase the creatinine level in the urine which has decreased otherwise due to dilution.
    • Vitamin B2 supplements can help you a lot as they will impart yellow color to the urine and nullify the effect of dilution on the color of the urine.
    The above tips will help you beat marijuana drug test.

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