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  • October 28th, 2010

    Beating The Drug Test

    Read about beating the drug test.

    Taking drugs is quite normal for a sick person, but taking drugs without being sick and without a prescription is illegal and to a large extent can destroy the mental stability of a person as well as his health. This is the reason why drug testing has become very important be it in schools, companies or any medical institutions. Are you a drug addict and need to face a drug test? Don’t sweat it; instead read this article and get ready for one.

    A drug test is the examination of the urine, hair, saliva or any other fluid samples from the system for the presence of toxins or any drug metabolites. No drug stays in the system for more than three days. But marijuana is an exception. It can be detected even after 90 days since it was consumed last. Passing a test if you are using marijuana can prove to be a tough task. The presence of drugs in the system depends upon the frequency and time of intake of drugs preceding the test.

    Drug test are accurate but sometimes they can be counterproductive in case of inept authorities or incomplete testing. People can prove to be lucky in such a case and can pass a drug test easily. The availability of various drug testing kits and tools in the market has made passing a test an easier job. Here are some tips that will help you get a negative result in the test:

    THC, one of the major components of marijuana is stored in fatty tissues. You can exercise and walk a lot, this will increase the metabolism and you will sweat resulting in throwing THC out of your drugs system.

    Drinking a lot of water will stimulate urination and toxins will be flushed out of your system and you can provide a clean sample to the authorities.

    Go for red meat. It will increase the creatinine levels so your urine won’t look diluted. Vitamin B also helps impart yellow color to your urine.

    The best thing to pass a drug test is to stop the use of drugs you are likely to be tested for. But this will not help you if you are going to be examined on a short notice.

    Rinse your mouth with Listerine it will reduce the drug level in your mouth. Clean your jaws and tongue too.

    The above tips will help you get a desired result.

    How to pass