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  • November 9th, 2010

    Beer Showing Up In Drug Test

    Beer showing up in drug test

    Beer is the most common beverage in the world and the alcohol percentage is very less in beer compared to whisky or rum. Beer contains many nutrients such as magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, and B vitamins. However, if consumed in large quantities it can lead to numerous health problems. Sometimes beer can be a solution rather than a problem for hard drug abusers. Since beer is mostly made up of water it can flush some of the toxins out of the body. However, alcohol is not recommended for those who are taking drugs or drug tests before taking professional medical advice.

    Testing for beer is uncommon because it remains in the body for only 12 to 24 hours and the intoxicating effect is relatively less. However, in extremely safety-sensitive fields, alcohol can be detected and action can be taken if the drug test turns out to be positive. The fact that the active ingredient responsible for the slight intoxication is ethanol or alcohol makes it illegal in some circumstances. Moreover, if you show up for a test immediately after drinking beer, it will be positive and many companies and fields require that you do not drink on or prior to the working hours.

    The fact that beer is one of the oldest beverages which is also slightly beneficial and allegedly has anti-carcinogenic properties makes it less harmful than concentrated liquor such as vodka, rum or whisky. Homemade detox drinks drug test is one of the ways to pass a screening. There are numerous drug test kits available on the internet and some are very low-cost. These can ensure that if you have had beer some days before the test, then you can be sure of passing the test. There are homemade drinks that can also help in passing a screening and drinking lots of liquid and burning fat are some of the auxiliary methods of flushing out those toxins.

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