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  • December 24th, 2010

    California Pre-employment Drug Test Temporary Employee

    Read about California pre-employment drug test temporary employee.

    It is estimated that about 71% of illicit drug users are employed in United States, most of them are currently working for small businesses. Substance abusers can prove to be less productive, more prone to errors and a threat to the security of workplace. This has made pre employment drug screening a major test for background checking of the potential employee before hiring the employees. It was also reported recently that the employee drug use costs American employer about $100 billion each year. California’s pre-employment drug testing for the investigation of the background of the applicant helps protect employers from hiring illegal drug users before they can have a negative impact on the workplace.

    California pre-employment drug tests temporary employee and post hiring screening programs reduces employee accidents, theft, non attendance and unproductiveness. California now offers widespread federal and non federal drug use employee drug screening for various companies as a part of employment verification services. Initially there was a lot of chaos related to marijuana legalization initiative in California. Many press reports detailed out the topic and asked voters to allow the state to regulate, control and tax cannabis. But this was defeated. If this would have worked out, then California employers would have been permitted to suspend or terminate only those employees whose use of cannabis impaired the job performance.

    The idea of drug testing is not liked by many employees. Employees argue that write-ups and suspensions for job performance were simply a reason for legal marijuana usage intolerance. Employers have the right to prohibit the use of alcohol during work hours. Employers deny employment to a cannabis user. The debate on whether employers have a right to conduct pre employment drug screening for marijuana users still continues.

    With drug testing gaining more and more popularity, the abusers are coming up with tactics to trick a drug test. They can now pass a drug test easily with the availability of drug solutions, detox drinks and drug testing kits like strip detox drug test kit that allows one to test himself/ herself before the actual screening to ensure that they are clean prior to the screening at workplace.

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