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  • October 13th, 2010

    Can I Pass A Drug Test

    Can I Pass a Drug Test?

    First of all I would like to state is that the best way to pass a drug test is not to consume drugs at all or at least lay them off for a while. But if you’re ready to deal with the consequences, (breaking laws and getting fired from job) this article will provide you with some assistance.

    You can dilute the urine sample which will lower the specific gravity and creatinine level (creatine is used by muscles and creates a waste product called creatinine). Fooling a drug test THC by using warm water in the solution is possible by this method. Many people assume that drinking large amounts of water will help them to get a negative result. However it is risky and can also be fatal as people have died from water intoxication. It is risky in the sense that it causes colorless urine which arouses suspicion.

    Substitution is a method that involves substituting your urine with that of another persons or a synthetic sample. Synthetic urine comes in two forms-liquid and powder form. The liquid premixed urine has a couple of drawbacks as it doesn’t have a head or small layer of bubbles on the surface and it has no smell. Powdered synthetic urine does. The advantage of the standard employment drug test do not determine male, female, pregnancy or age.

    You can also lower the toxin levels in your hair for fooling a home drug test thc (as example). This can be much harder if cocaine or synthetic drugs are used by dark haired people as it is the melanin (hair color) that is the carrier as apposed to keratin (hair) in a THC screen. Regular smokers should use a clarifying shampoo regularly to remove toxins that are excreted daily from scalp. One of the easiest methods to pass a drug testing is just to avoid the test. If you are being tested and have used drugs in the past 3 days, you will need to overcome the saliva collection. To do this you will have to avoid submitting saliva and perform the steps requested of you by the instructor. When instructed to place the collection pad between the lower cheek and gums and gently rub the pad back and fourth along the gum line until the pad is moist, you will fake this movement and rub pad on teeth.

    How to pass