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  • October 28th, 2010

    Can I Pass A Drug Test In 24 Hours

    How can I pass a drug test in 24 hours?

    Look up the internet if you are thinking about how can I pass a drug test in 24 hours? You will be amazed at the number of solutions available on the internet. It is very much possible to pass the test, but there are a number of things to follow. You need to get your urine diluted for which drinking a lot of water will help. Such a sample when checked may not appear like regular urine sample as it looks a bit watery due to drinking excess water. It becomes more evident that you have been drinking water on purpose to get clear urine sample. It is better to avoid drinking too much of water instead. With too much water in the urine sample, you could be tested positive.

    You never know what the result could be, so the best thing to do is abstain from toxic substances like drugs for some time at least, till the drug test is taken. This does not mean that you have to continue with the habit once you pass drug test, but this is the best chance for you to get rid of the habit by taking the right kind of efforts. It is advisable not to discontinue taking the drug suddenly, but you should be getting rid of the habit slowly and steadily. By doing this you will be in better control of your self and come out of the habit effectively. Many at times those who are not able to come out of the habit completely have to join drug rehabilitation centre as external help is needed to get rid of the habit.

    To get marijuana out of system drinking a lot of water will help. Just one day before the test ensure to eat some light food, but without fail see to it that you drink sufficient quantities of water. This can be done two weeks prior to the drug test. If you feel fed up of drinking just water, drinking fresh juices of citric fruits will certainly help, as they contain large quantity of antioxidants to help in getting rid of toxins from the body. You may not have access to fresh juices and fruits at all times and in such a case you can try considering canned juices too.

    How to pass