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  • December 19th, 2010

    Can You Pass A Drug Test Using Sure Jell

    Can You Pass Drug Test using Sure Jell

    Drug Tests are conducted in workplaces, schools and colleges and by sports authorities and landlords. The purpose behind drug tests is to discourage the rampant use of drugs. Not being able to pass drug test can mean loss of job, suspension from school or college, cancellation of sporting achievements and loss of rented accommodation. Drug tests intend to cash in on these fears to discourage drug users from using drugs. The intentions are good. However sometimes even non users can test positive – a condition called false positive brought on by the consumption of certain foods and medicines. This is the reason why many people seek answers on how to pass a drug test even if they are non-users.

    A drug test can be a urine test, blood test, saliva or oral swab test, sweat test / analysis or the hair drug test. Urine test is generally used, as it is a sort of an optimum test. Hair test is mostly used by the armed forces. The test is expensive but accurate. The armed forces are more concerned about the fitness of future soldiers than about the cost involved. The saliva test is generally used for checking vehicle and equipment drivers and for post accident testing. It can be conducted very quickly, making it suitable as a surprise test. It can detect drug consumption only in a limited period before the test. These three tests are those that you are more likely to undergo. So if you have a question like, “I need to pass my drug test”, you need to know the basics of these three tests.

    Can you pass a drug test using sure jell? Of course, you can. Sure jell is a kind of diuretic – it stimulates urination. And toxins can be removed effectively via urine. You can help yourself by drinking a lot of water with sure jell and taking exercise during that phase. Drug residues are stored inside fat and exercise burns fat. This will complement your efforts of detoxification. Additionally, you can also drink cranberry juice that is a natural detoxifier and diuretic. It also aids kidney function.

    How to pass