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  • January 20th, 2011

    Chemical Analysis Of Drug Testing Marijuana

    Read about chemical analysis of drug testing marijuana.

    There are several myths related to passing a drug test for marijuana. According to experts, marijuana is the only drug that gets trapped inside the system for longer period.

    When an individual smokes the harmful toxins enter the system and the body starts reacting on it. The drugs are then synthesized to metabolites, that is the by products of marijuana. THC, the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana can get you high. It is a fat soluble metabolite and gets stored in the fat cells of the system. Many websites come up with great ideas and tactics to pass a drug testing. There are a lot of rumors about passing a methadone lab drug test or marijuana drug test with the aid of detox drinks. Well none of these products are proven effective. Do not get influenced by them as they are the simple ways to hoax money from you.

    There are several methods of testing that can screen the presence of marijuana. They involve chemical analysis of biological specimens like urine, hair, blood or saliva. THC that gets stored in the fat cells is released in the bloodstream and other bodily fluids and can be easily detected by chemical analysis. The metabolites can be drained out of the system by resorting to drinking lots of fluids. This method is popularly known as dilution. It is necessary to purify the urine periodically to ensure that you provide a clean sample. Some of the metabolites do not get dissolved in the blood stream easily and it is thus difficult to flush them out. Many experts recommend the use of iodine so as to reduce the effect of such metabolites. Diuretics like cranberry juice and green tea are effective in battling with the drug residues. The diuretics increase the urine output and rapidly flush the system.

    Many home remedies like consuming bleach or vinegar can help switch the test results. Do not get influenced by any of the methods unless you have complete knowledge about them. Investigate the options and put in the right initiative. Make sure that none of the methods you employ are going to be hazardous for the system.

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