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  • October 7th, 2010

    Clean System For Drug Test

    Clean System for Drug Testing.

    Drug Testing is the checking if a person has consumed certain types of drugs / chemicals within a certain specified time before the test is actually conducted. Drug testing is compulsory for all government employees. Many private employers have made the same mandatory for their employees as well. Apart from this compulsion, the factors that have made drug testing a hotly debated topic are the inaccuracy of the drug tests and the presence of chemicals, notified as drugs, in numerous over the counter medicines.
    A natural corollary to these facts is that even inadverant consumption of such chemicals can lead to a loss of employment and everything that goes with it. Therefore employees need to know certain fundamental details about drugs and drug testing. This is applicable even to those employees who do not consume drugs, as the same might be present in any of their medication. The knowledge of these details will help them in cleaning their systems before a drug test.
    Here are some of the facts to clean your system:

    One week before the test stop consuming all the drugs. This is for those who regularly or occasionally consume these banned substances.

    Take a regular fitness building exercise (vis-а-vis strength building exercises) for one week before the test. This includes brisk walking, jogging, skipping, cycling, swimming and the like. Ideally you should be exercising on a consistent basis. Nevertheless, it is always better to start – better late than never. Exercising breaks down the toxic substances in a process called detoxification.

    A well composed diet is another way to clean your system and beat the drug test. Eat a diet rich in fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables. The consumption has to be distributed across the whole day starting with a breakfast. Avoid fatty and oily foods and especially avoid eating heavy meals late in the night. This seriously impedes absorption at a time of low physical activity.
    Drink plenty of water throughout the day at regular intervals.

    Finally, avoid consumption of toxic substances – avoid even venturing into toxic environments – lest it leave a residue.

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