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  • February 16th, 2011

    Cleans Out Systm Drug Test

    Read about cleans out systm drug test.

    Many people take a number of illegal substances solely for the purpose of recreation. Drug testing is now a commonplace in several companies, high schools and colleges. Employers are now permitted to perform random checks on their employees. However there are several disadvantages of drug testing of employees and many employees find it a direct invasion of their privacy rights. With the increase in drug testing programs, many companies have come up with various drug detox products. These products make bold promises of cleansing the system of the abusers prior to the test. Moreover, the internet is a great source of getting a lot of information about drug testing methods and ways to pass drug test without much hassle.

    Getting caught for the use of illegal drugs can be a shameful affair for many people thus it is necessary to cleans out systm drug test. It is not that difficult to deal with cleaning the system for a drug test. There are several ways to come clear in a drug test. One of the easiest things to do is to abstain from the illegal substances at least for a few days prior to the test. Don’t let go of your life for the sake of an indulgence that you already regret. It is better to make a sincere turn around and make sure that you do not use the drugs henceforth. Drug abuse can cost you your very reason for living. Detox the system so that the lab report will come clean

    Drinking 2 cups of carrot juice or cranberry juice will help flush the drug metabolites out of the liver and kidneys where they generally tend to store. Drinking green tea will also be of great help. Stay hydrated and make sure that you keep on sipping water throughout the day no matter whether you are thirsty or not. This is vital for cleaning out the system.

    Exercising and working out will release the drug metabolites into the urine. About a couple of days prior to the test, you need to stop working out and drinking excessive water. This will ensure that the urine has correct pH and creatinine levels or lese the labs might suspect dilution!

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