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  • December 24th, 2010

    Cocaine Detox Drug Test

    what are the important aspects of cocaine detox drug test?

    Drug screening against the cocaine as well as for other drugs are routinely checked at workplace. Failure in this test will directly throw you out of the office. Do not stake your career for wrong reasons; take precautionary actions to beat the cocaine detox drug test. Remember a note that, you can not detect presence of cocaine thorough any of the drug testing method. Every drug testing method takes into account metabolic percentage of benzoylecgonine (byproduct of the cocaine). Here are the Methods used for cocaine detox drug test-

    1. Urine test
    2. Saliva test
    3. Blood test
    4. Hair follicle drug testing.

    Urine drug testing is most reputed and trusted method to check presence of cocaine in system. Urine test does not cost much and you your own can predict the result you get from it. Drug detection period for cocaine with urine testing is almost 7 days provided you are rare user of cocaine. If person have prolong history of smoking, it may give positive result for month long period. There is an availability of home base drug testing kit as well. However, sometimes you need to ask laboratory about result verification. Along with the screening for cocaine, it is necessary to carry out few other tests like checking pH balance and natural protein creatinine percentage in the sample. With the regular form of the drug testing you are able to trace cocaine from urine even after 72 hours.

    There are some straight forward ways to pass drug test. First of all the detox products mean to mask cocaine metabolites are water soluble. Hence they automatically gets pass from the body. Cocaine detox products are designed to lower down the benzoylecgonine percentage from sample. The concentration level which can generate positive result for cocaine is 0.3 ug/ L. If level of benzoylecgonine is higher this value they he/ she definably fail the test. Adopt proper detox treatment. To beat the cocaine test do not get trap in myths like pass a drug test using bleach. They are fail to give negative result and plus leave bad effects on the body.

    How to pass