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  • December 24th, 2010

    Cocaine In Hair Drug Test

    Read about cocaine in hair drug test.

    Cocaine is one of the most commonly abused drugs in many drugs. Cocaine is basically an alkaloid present in coca leaves whose pharmacological properties include the ones like alertness, wakefulness, increase in energy of the system and an overall feeling of euphoria. Cocaine has been used as a local anesthetic from ages. Since it has addictive properties, the use of cocaine as an anesthetic has reduced considerably these days. Cocaine drug testing is a rapid one step process which uses qualitative immunoassay for the detection of benzoylecgonine a degradation product of cocaine in hair.

    The cutoff concentration of cocaine that can trigger a positive result in a drug screening is 300ng/ml as recommended by SAMHSA. The use of hair as a specimen to detect the use of cocaine came into picture in 1981. After that many private companies adopted drug testing procedure. Passing a drug test is the basic priority if one needs to get a job. Drug testing is also mandatory in schools because of the increased number of teenagers indulging in the use of illegal drugs. The drug testing in school faced a lot of criticism. How does drug testing invade privacy to high school student, you will find this in a number of articles on drug testing.

    In the studies conducted in 1981, hair samples from the subjects underwent an analysis by radioimmunoassay for the cocaine metabolite in an attempt to verify a history of drug use by the subject. The first use of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) technique for detection of cocaine in hair was reported in 1987. This technique is highly effective in detecting the drug and drug metabolites in the system. Though hair drug test is highly accurate it is not preferred much. Cocaine abusers shave of their heads to escape a drug testing protocol. But this won’t be of use as hair on any other part of the sample can be used as a substitute. Failing to provide a sample would be grounds for loosing the job opportunity.

    To pass a drug test, one needs to give up the habit of using drugs totally. There is no other way to conquer a drug test

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