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  • November 17th, 2010

    Cocaine On Drug Test

    Read about cocaine on drug test

    Cocaine is a widely used drug all over the world. It is highly addictive and thought to be fatal if consumed in excess quantity. It is a white colored powder which is bitter to taste. It can be injected, sniffed or eaten raw. It has many harmful effects on the body and so drug tests for this drug have been made strict and also advanced. There are special instruments and devices that detect only cocaine. Do you know how is Cocaine on drug test; if not then this article will tell you about it.

    When a person consumes cocaine, its effects can last for a few hours but the drug stays in your system for around a few days or may be a few months also. It depends on the type of specimen going to be tested for the sake. This drug can stay in your saliva for a few hours or may be a day also but it can stay in your hair for as long as three months. The detection time for this drug depends on the quantity of the drug consumed by the person and also on the physical aspects like height, weight and exercise factor.

    If the drugs has to be detected well then the devices used for the purpose also have to be well. Do you know how reading results of hair drug test is done? Or how is drug detected from your blood? There are different techniques for different type of drug tests. Some can easily find cocaine in the given sample while some require too much of time for it. Cocaine is also found in the samples which are submitted by teenagers in the school drug test as well as in those samples which are submitted by people who have applied for new jobs.

    Drug tests are getting stricter because of the increasing use of drug by all. Out of the many drugs that are used world wide cocaine is one and so advanced technologies has been put forward to detect them.

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