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  • November 17th, 2010

    Companies Who Conduct Random Drug Tests

    Companies who conduct Random Drug Tests.

    Drug use is a big big problem in the United States as also in many other countries. According to reliable surveys, more than 80% adults in the US admitted to using at least mild drugs like marijuana in their school and college days. And, if this was not enough, about 17% admitted to using potent varieties of drugs like cocaine. Drug test act as an effective deterrent against drug use. Pass drug test or just the fear of testing positive can discourage drug users from using drugs. The same fear also discourages potential drug users from getting hooked on to this destructive habit.

    The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 made drug testing compulsory in public workplaces. Realizing the merits of the act many private employers and authorities also voluntarily adopted the provisions of the act. So now we have many private companies who conduct random drug tests. Drug use can lead to chronic absenteeism and underperformance, accidents in the workplace and on the roads, aggressive and possibly violent behavior by drug users. They may also resort to robberies and thefts to finance their drug use. At a broader level, the demand for drugs creates the reason for the existence of drug cartels and their illegal activities. All these can be prevented by the drug tests and their deterrent effect.

    Usually companies who conduct random drug test use the urine drug test. This test is an optimum type of test. It is not very expensive and gives fairly accurate results. It can also trace drug use for longer durations than the saliva and the blood tests, although this period is not more than that for the hair test – the most accurate drug test. However, the urine test can also be hoodwinked. The saliva test is not that easy to cheat on as the sample is collected and tested in front of the test conductor. Therefore the saliva drug test is also being used for saliva drug test for ecstasy and other drugs. Drug testing by companies is not free of controversy. It has raised serious issues of privacy of the employees. Many people claim that so long as they discharge their duties in an efficient manner their consumption habits should be their own.

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