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  • January 20th, 2011

    Cotton Swab Drug Test Information

    Read about cotton swab drug test information.

    Saliva drug test is become more and more popular these days and is replacing urine tests in various cases. This is partly because using saliva specimen is less invasive and does not involve any infection risk and partly because of the fact that the subject does not need to urinate in front of a witness, is less embarrassing and is comfortable for both the parties. However an oral fluid drug test has some drawbacks and some improvements needs to be done before they can be used for drug testing in place of other accepted methods of screening. There are various tricks for passing a drug test with the aid of which many abusers are able to get through a test easily. Scroll through this article to get some more cotton swab drug test information.

    The main significance of saliva drug test is that it has a potential of totally revolutionizing the screening methods by eliminating all its drawbacks. There is no modesty or nudity issues involved with an oral swab drug test and is accepted by the subjects as well. Law officials will be able to perform a drug screen on the suspected criminals with fast and reliable results without an embarrassment. There are presently a number of saliva drug testing kits available in the markets. There are home drug test kits intended for parents who suspect their wards for drug abuse and also professional saliva drug testing kits that can be used by the law enforcement officials. An oral swab drug test can effectively diagnose the use of drugs in the past 24 hours and thus can detect only the recent use of drugs.

    There are innumerable tactics employed by the abusers to pass a drug test for saliva. With the aid of detox mouthwash they are able to mask all the drug metabolites present in their mouth. Simply not using a drug for a few days prior to the test can also affect the drug test results. Thus a saliva drug test is not preferred by courts and insurance companies which require a history of drug usage.

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