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  • November 9th, 2010

    Creatinine In Urine Drug Test

    Concentration of creatinine in urine drug test

    Of the entire major drug tests, urine drug test is the most trusted as it provides scope for different drug testing. Creatinine is a waste product of creatine . It is an amino acid present in muscle and tissues and found in urine. Urine sample adulteration is a serious problem these days. Urine which is sent for forensic tests is also tampered. Substitution or replacing the urine sample has become a common practice. The dilution process is followed to get the desired results. Commercially available cleansing agents are also used to tamper the nature of tests. The test is conducted and each plastic strip contains chemically treated reagent pads.

    The reagent pads are activated by urine sample. The color comparison for test provides screen for creatinine. The process of dilution can provide masking for the in other words the toxins are detoxified but the creatinine level explains everything clearly. 1.003 to 1.030 is a perfect range below and above this is an example of adulteration. Simple creatinine concentration can be detected by these tests which will give you a clear picture of urine sampling examination.

    To pass drug test you need to cross several parameters and if you have done that successfully then you will be able to get the approval. Not only creatinine there is other tests that are carried on like methamphetamine drug tests, nitrate tests, specific gravity test etc. All these tests will make sure that the parameters that are required for the proper screening of the sample are used efficiently. The urine sample goes through lot of chemicals in order to get the reaction. The acidic and basic character of the urine sample is very crucial as far as testing is concerned. Based on color the strips are marked and this color coded strips will give the accurate results.

    The PH test is also very essential part of urine testing. Glutaraldehyde is done to check the presence of chemicals like aldehyde and this avoids the negative screening of the sample. The reaction is very simple and based on reactions things are calculated. Tampering the sample is still an option that is open but the level of suspicion will definitely arise. You should check out for the creatinine in urine as this can only give a clear picture and accurate result.

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