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  • January 20th, 2011

    Cyclobenzaprine Urine Drug Test

    Read about cyclobenzaprine urine drug test.

    Drug testing has become the need of an hour. It is mandatory for those willing to apply for a job or willing to participate in a sports event. Drug testing is now a part of employment hiring process. Failing to get through a drug test can be devastating both financially and emotionally. There are various companies that have realized the needs of the abusers and have come up with excellent products that will help one pass a drug test even if they have used the drug a day prior to their personal deadline. Many websites provides various tips to pass a drug test and info on drug testing procedures. Urinalysis is the most common drug testing procedure used by many employers. Read about Cyclobenzaprine urine drug test in this article.

    Cyclobenzaprine is an antidepressant compound used as a long acting muscle relaxant and an analgesic as well. It is believed that Cyclobenzaprine blocks the nerve impulses that are usually sent by various organs to the brain. Many doctors advise not to use this drug for at least 14 days after taking an MAO inhibitor. This is usually the time period required for monoamine oxidase to get flushed out from the system. If Cyclobenzaprine is used within this period it can give rise to life threatening side effects as MAO wasn’t cleared out from the system. People who are suffering from heart ailments are recommended no to take Cyclobenzaprine.

    Many doctors prescribe Cyclobenzaprine to relieve pain. Generally pain is relieved by decreasing the muscular spasm. The basic drug testing procedures conducted in various schools, workplaces, sports and colleges screens for the presence of substances like cannabinoids, cocaine, amphetamines, PCP and opiates. Cyclobenzaprine is a muscular relevant and is not included in the five most commonly tested for drugs. Hence a urine drug test won’t screen for the presence of Cyclobenzaprine. However there are various standard urine drug tests available that are capable of detecting the presence of about 200 chemicals including various over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs. Thus the presence of Cyclobenzaprine can be detected in some rare cases through a drug screening test.

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