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  • December 24th, 2010

    Debate Student Drug Testing

    what is your stake on debate student drug testing?

    Drug screening is quite normal procedure for person applying for any private sector job or military. Many times, it is also required for insurance related process. It is mandatory for assurance of drug free safe environment. If any person gets charge against carrying drug then he may get harsh punishment. However, there is lots of debate student drug testing. There are two opinions for drug testing in school. One on is this keep child free from drug where as another one is on does it prove safe from child’s psychology point of view.

    Well, drug abuse is a universal problem. Sadly, Younger and teen age children’s get more exposure towards drug and related fancy stories. You can not blame your child for his / her attraction towards drugs and other illegal substance use. Television and movies gives drug testing more glorifications. In such case, random drug testing may prohibit the use of drug abuse in some extent. What methods will you adopt to how to pass a drug test in a week?

    1. One thing to notice here that, if your child is not having long history for smoking, then it is some how very easy to beat the drug test in just week. Drug metabolic rate is quite good in this age. Hence, with little extra effort you can readily thrash out all the drug toxins away from body.

    2. Ask him to drink water as much as possible. Water speeds up the conversion rate, making drug metabolites free from fat cells. However, give attention towards any symptoms of water intoxication.

    3. Detox products- You can conduct detoxification course on your child. However, look that it does not leaves any harsh side effect on the body. Stress more on home remedies. Have clean tea or herbal tea. This forms of detoxification increases the frequency of urination. This could be very helpful in getting clean urine sample.

    4. Exercise- Tell him to do some cardio vascular exercise. With exercise, drug toxins get free from the body and leave in the form of sweat. Cardio exercise also proves effective in order to increase the drug metabolic rate.

    5. Know your drug testing. By knowing the form of drug testing, you can effectively perform cheating methods.

    How to pass