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  • October 19th, 2010

    Defeat Saliva Drug Test

    How to defeat saliva drug test?

    Such type of tests can be useful for detecting use of drugs during the previous one to two days. The passing of a saliva drug test is comparatively easier than passing a urine or blood test since THC which is an active ingredient in marijuana, cannabis sativa and hashish can only be detected if used within a couple of days prior to the test. However this depends on the amount of usage and the potency of the drug.

    In saliva drug tests, alcohol can be detected if done within 6-12 hours, marijuana and hashish for 12 to 24 hours, Methamphetamine, which is also called “ice” or “Crank” or “Tweak”, for five to even thirteen days, benzodiazepines for up to two to three days, amphetamines for three days, phencyclidine or PCP for three days, opiates up to two to three days, and cocaine or crack up to one day.

    Such type of drug test can be passed using adulteration products that are available on the internet; however doing this may be illegal. Moreover, there is no guarantee that you will pass the test by ingestion of such products. Therefore it is advisable to pass the drug test in a legal manner; that is, by stopping the use of drugs completely. For instance, marijuana test kits are used by employers and such kits are also available in the market and using them to test the amount of drugs at home is wiser than some quack medicine.

    Items such as fake or synthetic urine are also available for cheating on a drug test; but mostly, the products are for flushing out toxins from your body. If you are facing a saliva drug test then the type of drug you take can influence the results of the screening. For instance, chronic users of hard drugs such as methamphetamines and opiates will find it difficult to pass the test if they have not kicked the habit. The good news is that marijuana and hashish are easier to quit compared to many other hard drugs and if you just smoke marijuana you can quit a good ten days before the test and you may be able to easily pass the test. Again this depends on amount of usage; whether chronic or not.

    How to pass