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  • December 19th, 2010

    Defeating Drug Tests

    Read about defeating drug tests!

    With the shocking increase in the number of drug abusers the whole is getting more and more conscious about the intensification of drug addiction. The influence of drug addiction seems to be faster. It is expanding day by day and affecting the lives of countless people who once used to live a normal life. In United States, 24% men while 16% women have admitted of abusing at least one type of drug and the number of teenagers abusing drugs are on high. This has lead to the emergence of drug testing programs. Drug tests are mandatory at workplaces and one won’t get a job if he/she fails the drug test as they employer would never want unproductive staff.

    So are you also going to face a drug test? Thinking about defeating drug test? Then read this article and learn some tricks to pass drug test!

    The best way of defeating a drug test is not using the drugs unless you pass a drug test. But if you quit the use forever then it is surely going to be beneficial for you in every way possible. A number 9of detox products and home drug test solutions are available that can help one cleanse their system prior to the test. Don’t get misguided by the misleading advertisement of the ineffective products. There are home remedies passing drug tests. They are quite effective and reliable.

    Dilution is the best way to detoxify the system. Drink at least 2 quarts of water daily for a week or two prior to the test. Water is a natural cleanser and will help eliminate the drug residues from the system. Synthetic urine can help one defeat a urine drug test. You can simply substitute your urine sample with the synthetic ones. This is risky and if you get caught you will fail a drug test. Diuretics can also help a lot. Go for cranberry juice, tea or coffee.

    Exercising can help increase the body metabolism of the system and will release the drug metabolites in the urine. Exercising will burn the fat cells and release THC metabolites. This should be stopped 2 fays prior to the test. There are a number of ways of masking dilution of the urine so that the authorities don’t suspect you of cheating a test!

    How to pass