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  • October 19th, 2010

    Detox Drug Testing

    Home based drug detox treatment

    Detoxing has to be done at home itself if you are not considering buying detox products. Home based detox drug testing is a very common thing these days as there are man home remedies involved. Drinking coffee and tea are considered excellent detox substances as they are diuretics and help in reducing content of water in the body, thus flushing out toxins out of the body and pass drug test. All drinking plain fresh water is considered an excellent source in flushing out toxins out of the body. This method is very affordable, less time consuming and can be done at home itself. Should drug testing be done on the job is a question still being looked into, but being done nevertheless!

    If you have been occasionally doing marijuana then it is definite that the drug remains in your system for a few days. You can beat accuracy of marijuana testing and pass drug test if you have some time on your hand to detox yourself. The best thing to do is to be clean, but detoxification will surely take up some time. Being tested for a drug test is considered prudent as there is no other alternative but to appear the drug test. Many a times a short notice is given and you get into panic state not knowing what to do. With less time on hand you can opt for some home remedies which are very effective to pass drug test and get online to know should drug testing be done on the job.

    To dilute the concentration of drugs in the sample and to beat accuracy of marijuana testing you need to increase the intake of fluid. With as much as water you can drink, try drinking so that your bladder gets full and toxins pass out through the urine. At the time when the actual sample is taken, there will be a clean and clear urine sample given for the testing procedure. Home based detox drug testing is a very effective in knowing if any of the members at home is doing the shots or not. If detected on time efforts can be taken to pass drug test and get the person out of the drug abuse habit. In very cases the person has to be admitted in a drug rehabilitation centre when the person gets out of the habit slowly and gradually in a friendly environment.

    How to pass