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  • December 24th, 2010

    Detox Vs Masking Drug Test

    Detox Vs Masking Drug Test

    Drug Tests have become a debatable issue. Drug tests determine if the person being tested is a user of drugs. A sample of body hair or a body fluid like urine, blood, sweat or saliva is taken and examined for the presence of drug residues. If the concentration of these residues is above a certain limit, the person is said to be a user of drugs and a second test, the confirmatory test, is conducted. Failure to pass drug test can mean loss of job, of sporting achievement, suspension from school or college or eviction from rented premises. This fear, inspired by a drug test, is supposed to prevent people from using drugs.

    False positive is a condition when a person tests positive even if he does not use drugs. This happens due to consumption of certain foods and medicines in a particular period before the drug test. This condition is one of the reasons why there is so much opposition for drug tests. It makes even non-users nervous and they may end up doing something silly and get into health trouble to pass drug test. Therefore it is essential that you know certain basic details of drug tests to avoid testing positive – for whatever reason. You also need to make a choice between detox Vs masking drug test.

    Detoxification is the process of removing drug residues from your body. For e.g. for passing saliva drug testing you need to rinse your mouth with a detox mouthwash 5 to 30 minutes before the test is conducted. Another example is the method adopted to pass a urine test – burning fats by exercise and drinking a lot of water. All these processes actually remove toxins from the body. In case of a hair drug test, the toxins collect at the bottom of the hair strand, inside the hair. It is therefore impossible to remove these residues. In this case you will have to use a masking shampoo. These open the outer layer of hair and conceal the drug residues accumulated inside the inner layers of the hair. This prevents their detection in a drug test. The result in both cases is the same i.e. passing the drug test.

    How to pass