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  • December 19th, 2010

    Does Sweating Help Pass A Drug Test

    Does Sweating Help Pass a Drug Test.

    Drug use is a major problem all over the world. People use drugs to get the feeling of extreme optimism. This is a result of drugs affecting the major organs like brain, heart and lungs. Usually the use of drugs leads to an acceleration in heart rate and a change in the blood pressure. This leads to high-energy phase wherein a person feels as if he is in control of everything around him. The speech and physical activity is speeded up and the person becomes more aggressive and possibly even violent.

    Drug tests were instituted to control this menace of drug use. Testing positive in a drug test or even the fear of testing positive in a drug test is enough to deter many drug users – existing and potential. The only problem is false positives – when a person tests positive even if he has not used drugs. This happens due to consumption of certain foodstuffs and medicines and also because of passive inhalation of drug smoke. This has led to people asking many questions. These include: Does sweating help pass a drug test, does urination flush out toxins, is exercise an option to clear a drug test and if so how, are synthetic detoxifiers more effective than natural ones and the like.

    The use of drugs leads to the accumulation of drug residues inside the body. These traces can be found in body fluids like urine, blood, saliva and sweat. These residues are also found inside body hair. To pass drug test you must get these residues outside the body so that their concentration comes below the safety level for a drug test. When you beat drug tests it does not mean that your body is free of drug residues. It means that the amount of drug residues inside the body is less than the danger mark for drug tests. The surest and the safest way to pass a drug test is to exercise. Exercise is a natural detoxifier as it burns fat inside which drug toxins are stored. Exercise also leads to sweating and the broken down toxins are flushed out of the body through sweat. The same is the case with toxin exit through urine.

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