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  • December 24th, 2010

    Does Sweating Help You Pass A Drug Test

    Does Sweating help you Pass a Drug Test

    Drug Test is a procedure to determine if a person uses drugs. A sample of the person’s body hair or his body fluid like urine, blood, saliva or sweat is taken and examined for the presence of drug residues. A drug test is named after the sample that is used. Thus we have the urine test, the blood test, saliva swab test, sweat test / analysis and the hair drug test. The most commonly used drug is marijuana. Other popular drugs include cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, benzodiazepine, ecstasy, opiates, PCP etc.

    To pass a drug test you need to detoxify i.e. remove toxins from your body. The best way to do so is take fat burning exercise. Drug residues are stored inside body fat and burning fat breaks down these residues. These toxins can then be flushed out via urine or sweat. Both ways you need to drink a lot of water for flushing out the toxins as well as for replacing body fluids. So does sweating help you pass a drug test? Well, certainly yes. In fact sweating is a part of the process of cocaine detox. Other elements involved in cocaine detox include exercise, massage and vitamin intake.

    When a person tries to eliminate the habit of drug use his body does not allow him to do so. The drug residues inside his body have made him an addict and this produces a craving for the drug. This craving results in behavioral changes that are termed as withdrawal symptoms. Cocaine is a strong drug and therefore produces strong withdrawal symptoms. Therefore cocaine detox is a long drawn out process that has to be handled by qualified and experienced persons. Exercising and sauna cause the person to sweat and this eliminates toxins as already stated. Massage relaxes the body muscles reducing the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms. The vitamins are needed to counter the craving for drugs during the detox process. The final objective is to eliminate the receptors of the chemical dopamine from the brain. This chemical is produced for pleasure due to cocaine use. Unless it is completely removed, the craving does not stop.

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