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  • January 20th, 2011

    Does Weed Show Up On A Drug Test

    Read does weed show up on a drug test.

    The world is getting more and more concerned about the increasing saga of drug addiction. The use of illegal drugs has increased tremendously from the past few decades all over the world. The number of teenagers abusing drugs is also rising high. Many people who led a healthy and safe lifestyle have now started experimenting with drugs and put their future into danger. This has led to emergence of drug testing in sports, schools, colleges and workplaces. Information on passing a drug test is available on the internet. Weed is the most commonly abused drug all over the world. The effects of smoking weed fade away quickly, but the drug metabolites stay in the system for weeks and even months.

    The most active ingredient of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol enters the bloodstream of the system rapidly as soon as one smokes marijuana. THC can get one high and is a fat soluble metabolite. Being fat soluble, it has ready access to the brain. If one ingests marijuana rather than smoking then it will take longer time to get absorbed in the bloodstream around 20 minutes to an hour and half. THC remains detectable in blood stream for a short interval of time as it gets metabolized to molecules known as the metabolites. All these metabolites are stored in the fat cells of the system and get eliminated from the system through urine or sweat.

    Blood tests for weed generally are not used as they cannot detect the presence of marijuana, except in cases of accidents and roadside check points. Moreover the blood and oral fluid drug test can only determine the current intoxication of the system. Urine drug tests for marijuana can determine the recent use of marijuana and not the level of intoxication because of the time interval between smoking and the time require for the elimination of drug metabolites. Many employers have a zero tolerance for drugs and they might perform urine drug test to detect the presence of weed in the system. Weed will definitely show up on a drug test, so all you can do is avoid doing drugs right now!

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