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  • December 19th, 2010

    Dot Drug Test Accident

    Get to know some very effective ways to beat home drug test.

    The United States Department of Transportation (more commonly known by their short form DOT) adopts very strict guidelines and regulation acts related to drug screening in pre employment phase. An employee necessarily obeys all the rules set by her/ his DOT designation. If any dot drug tests accident happens, it may cause very harsh after effects on his career growth. As per the DOT regulation, every single employee is eligible for drug testing. Exception for this are only avail to the person who have testing positions, he may subject for random drug screening. Senior authority may ask you for sample specimen any time. Where as employees who are working on non testing designated position is not avail for any kind of random drug/ alcohol testing. You may ask for the test provided you are suspected for illegal drug abuse.

    If you have doubt about your result then you can measure drug metabolites percentage with home base kits. Home base kits are very simple to use and interpretation of result. Due to its simplicity and lower cost (in comparison with the laboratory base analytical testing like GC/ MS) many companies adopted home drug test kits as a way of screening. To beat home drug test is much uncomplicated. Because, no home base drug test kits are so perfect to recognize dilution attempt. You perform different adulteration method to make home drug test kits fool.

    1. Add water- Water dilutes the drug metabolites present inside the sample. This method is simpler and actually any one can do it. However, this method works only of drug metabolite percentage is not too high. If you take B complex and other vitamins, it gives dark yellow to orange color to urine sample. Make sure, you are adding warm water in the sample. Temperature of the specimen is one major concern in drug testing

    2. Urine substitute- Though adding water in the sample is not that complicated chances of getting caught are large. Same is not a case with the urine substitute. You just need to add warm water and stir it properly. All the substitutes are same with that of natural urine constituents.

    3. Detox products – Detoxification product proves very effective for diluting drug traces. Mainly they are acts on drug metabolites. Free then from the fat cells and pass then through urine.

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