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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drink Bleach Pass Drug Test

    Drink bleach pass drug test? Know how?

    Well, when its time for drug testing everyone crazily starts finding immediate remedies to beat it. However, they fail to understand that ways to clean out your system for a drug test is not that easy. If you do not keep prolong habit of drug abuse then seen might be different. Though if you are regular smoker then you need to undergo through some advance and strange techniques to pass drug test. Before going for any such method, know its effects, how effective they are for cleaning the system as well as learn how severe there use might be.

    One such method is drink bleach pass drug test. This one is oldest trick to beat the drug test. May be it is getting popular because of its simple procedure and easy availability. Though many people consider this method as urban myth, probability of availing successful result is quite large. Bleach is completely chemical substance and mainly used as cleansing agent. It removes the dirt. Same is applicable in case drug metabolites. There are two ways; one is adding bleach samples into the specimen while second one is drinking bleach along with the milk to destroy the drug toxics.

    However, there are some severe side effects of this method. One predominantly observes is bleach changes the Ph level. Ph level is most basic factor of urine testing. If any one looks for this factor, you will fail to beat the drug test. Other than this, drinking bleach in excess amount leaves affect on your eye sight or sometime maybe completely destroys your life. It is advisable to take proper precautions when you are using such methods. Look online sites which are dedicated to drug passing methods. You will avail for abundant info on respected topic.

    Other than this there are plenty of proven ways to clean out your system for a drug test. One such is use of detox products. Detox products are specifically designed as per the standard norms and they have cleaning agents which readily wash out the drug metabolites from the system. There is huge choice for selecting detox products. Select one as per your budget requirements, type of screening, your screening date and more importantly drug metabolic count is your system.

    How to pass