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  • December 19th, 2010

    Drug And Alcohol Detoxification

    Drug and Alcohol Detoxification.

    Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins or poisonous residues. These residues can accumulate in the body due to different reasons – drug and alcohol consumption, unhealthy lifestyle, exposure to toxic environment, passive smoking of cigarette and drug smoke and consumption of certain medicines and unhealthy foods. If not eliminated from the body, these can lead to serious negative effects on health. Drug and Alcohol Detoxification is essential not only for your health but also to pass a drug and alcohol test that may be conducted in your office or school / college.

    Drug and alcohol residues accumulate inside the body as you consume these. These get collected in blood, urine, saliva, sweat and inside body hair. Drug tests collect these as samples and examine them for traces of drugs. If the amounts of traces are above a certain level, the person is short listed for a second drug and alcohol test that is more detailed. If he is found guilty in that test as well, he is pronounced as a drug / alcohol user. The objective of these tests is to discourage drug and alcohol abuse. The problem is that consumption of certain medicines and foodstuffs can make you test positive in a drug test. To pass drug test you therefore need to detoxify yourself irrespective of your drug use status.

    This is how you can detoxify and succeed in faking drug test:
    For 15 days before the test do not use drugs and alcohol, if you are a user that is.

    For the same duration adopt a healthy lifestyle comprising of a fat burning exercise, drinking a lot of water and taking a balanced and healthy diet. Many toxins are stored inside fat. Exercise will burn these fats. Water will help eliminate these toxins from the body via urine. The balanced diet will keep the body balanced and prevent the accumulation of any fresh toxins.

    Avoid toxic environs in the same 15 days.

    As an additional precaution you can have your hair treated with masking shampoo and have a detox mouthwash ready with you. The former will prevent detection of drug residues in hair and the later will clear your saliva of drug traces.

    How to pass