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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Detoxification Supplements

    Read about drug detoxification supplements.

    Drug detoxification is necessary with the number of drug tests performed steeping high. Drug testing is the bets method to discover the use of illegal drugs by an individual. There are several benefits of drug testing programs. They are considered to be an effective deterrent by many experts. A drug testing program in school and workplace deters the teens and employees from doing drugs as they know that they are being monitored. It is necessary to pass a drug test to protect a reputation in the society and maintain healthy relationships with others. Drug detoxification is a process by which the body cleanses itself from all the toxins and illegal drugs. Detoxification process can be harmful if not administered in a proper manner. Never attempt to quit the use of such substances without any medical supervision.

    The system cleanses itself through urine, feces, tears, sweat and other such waste products. Natural drug detoxification methods include vigorous exercise and time in a sauna. These both methods can increase the perspiration and help eliminate the drug metabolites. Increasing the fiber intake can help thrash the built-up toxins in the colon. Diuretics can increase the urine output and are helpful. Liquid zeolite is a product that helps remove heavy metals from the system and kill viruses. The withdrawal symptoms upon quitting the use of drugs can affect both mind and body of the abusers and may include anything from fatigue, nausea, vomiting and agonizing pain.

    If you are looking forward for stimulant detox then drug detoxification supplements like yerba mate and guarana are an excellent way to boost the stamina. Other popular mood enhancing supplements that are available easily include 5-HTP, SAM-e and DHEA. The herbs like ginger and peppermint are the two effective remedies that can be brewed into tea or taken in the form of supplements for nausea. Some supplements and medications can have several side effects. Consult a physician before attempting for drug detoxification supplements. You need to seek medical advice if the symptoms become severe. This will help you overcome the withdrawal symptoms as well as help pass a drug test.

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