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  • October 7th, 2010

    Drug Niacin Passing Test

    Drug niacin passing test

    Drug niacin passing test works in most of the cases however it needs certain care to avoid the side effects. The general symptoms of taking niacin are nausea and vomiting. You may have a skin itching and rashes like sunburn for niacin overdose. However, it stays only for a day or two. Yet, you should be aware of the side effect of niacin consumption. It may cause a permanent liver damage.

    However you don’t have too many options left if you need to take a drug test immediately after you dope. You have to bear the pain. There are some tricks available that can help you to stay with the pain. The most important among them is to drink water as much as you can. If you have a niacin tablet of 600 mg you need to drink at least 2 litters within two hours. It is better to take the tablets at night so that you get enough time to recover. The tablet helps you to flush out the toxins that are the reason to fail a drug test.

    The situations when niacin comes as the single option to pass a drug test are as described hereby. You smoke a weed and you need to pass a drug test within a week or two. Niacin is the only option left open for you. If you need to pass a urine drug test just after two days of your doping you can also try with niacin. The doses depend on the frequency of drug abuse.

    It is suggested to you to consult a doctor before you take the pill. He/she can help you from two perspectives. The first one is related to the dose you need to have and the second one is about the antidote in case of serious allergy. Even if you don’t have any choice left but take a niacin pill go to a doctor for precaution.

    If you take the pill in day time take care that you get enough rest to recover. Taking the pill at night is the best idea however it may not be possible all the time. Don’t forget to drink enough water. This is one of the free ways to pass a drug test. You would pass the test but any exception happens in your case.

    How to pass