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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Pass Test Trick

    Read more for drug pass test trick.

    Drug testing: most talked subject on the workplace. How drug testing is carried? What are the different forms of testing? What substance will cause false positive result? And such related questions. However, most discussed question is drug pass test trick. Get to know some simple but very effective drug passing tricks here on this page.

    1. Water-Have water in large amount. Drink minimum 2-3 liter water per day. Water acts as catalyst inside the body. It speeds up the drug metabolic process and makes them free from fat cells. As its fundamental property, it increases frequency of urination as well. Hence free drug metabolites get way to remove from the body. Still, do not overload your system with fluid. It will cause water intoxication and proves very risky for one’s life.

    2. Stop taking any kind of toxics. Do not have alcohol, nicotine as well. These products might result your test off. Stay away from toxic environment. Better you follow this rule, best in the result.

    3. Take healthy diet- Give more stress on having fibers. Fiber increases the bowel capacity. Avoid fatty foods. They tend to slow the rate of metabolism.

    4. Know your drug testing- Most of the cases, drug testing is carried out at laboratories. Home base drug testing kits is comparatively new way of testing. Nevertheless, in both the cases employer is restricted from viewing his/ her result directly.

    5. Have light meal till you finish with your drug test.

    6. Have water in sip by sip manner. It proves that with this method you can improve your metabolic rate to large extent. Better is the rate of drug metabolic conversion, best you will see in the result.

    7. Most proven way for beating a drug test: Exercise properly. Aerobic and cardio exercise speed up the metabolic rate, giving great assistance for complete body detoxification process. However, do not perform exercise 2-3 days prior to screening.

    8. Urinate 2-3 times before giving actual sample. Make sure you are giving sample as a middle of urine stream. First and last portion of urine have huge metabolic concentration.

    9. One very important thing to pass drug test, do not take over the counter medicines, dietary supplements etc. They may lead to give false positive result.

    How to pass