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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Screening Cigars

    Know about drug screening cigars.

    Health insurance and life policies often ask for drug screening cigars most often. It is for determining the risk associated for insuring such people. Now, even employers ask to take drug screening cigars to know if prospective employee is having smoking habit. Drug screening cigars have ability to check nicotine concentration inside the body. Result you got from these test may get influenced by several environment aspects. However, this may end up in showing false positive drug test to those who are always keeping safe distance from drugs and other illicit substances. Drug screening cigars are carried by blood testing. A blood test for nicotine smokers is tested for cotinine, stored inside the blood plasma. Cotinine is residue product of nicotine. Cotinine remain in the body for longer period of time than that of nicotine concentration. Hence checking cotinine shows more recent nicotine abuse. Liver help to metabolized drugs rapidly. If person perusing poor lever functioning then there are chances of getting
    cotonine concentration for longer time period. Person may get false positive result even after giving up smoking habit.

    Another form for checking drugs includes urine and saliva drug testing. Now, in post accidental cases breath analyzing proves more beneficial than blood or urine drug testing form. However, one big disadvantage of breath analyzing is its shorter detection window. In this note blood test drug test how long proves more advantageous than breath analyzing. In blood drug testing each plasma cells is checked for nicotine metabolites. With over all calculation you can get the result.

    There are some set standards for detecting nicotine concentration. And defiantly internet is biggest resource for availing every bit of information. Blood drug testing is non invasive method. It is often conducted through color coding strips. Test involves saturation of blood samples on coded strip.Drug testing is mandatory in pre employment phase? How to pass it confidently? First of all try to give up your smoking habit completely or at least to till you done with your drug test. Increase your water intake so that drug metabolites get diluted. Another thing to perceive is detox diet.

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