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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Screening Eye

    Drug screening eye testing and protocol

    To eliminate drugs from the body there will be a need to make some important changes in your lifestyle. Several days before the drug screening eye protocol, you could start drinking lots of water, a natural cleanser, which can assist the body in getting detoxified at a faster rate. This will help in providing clear urine at the time of the drug test and nobody will suspect that you were on drugs. In cases where urine sample is to be presented, avoid taking the first early morning sample, as it can contain a lot of toxic substances which is why it will look darkish yellow in color. Taking the third of the next urine sample can be a better idea to present for the drug test. Not many people will know about the fact that beauty treatment like sauna can also help in eliminating toxins from the body.

    Sauna treatments encourage perspiration and exercises too encourage perspiration via which toxins leave the body effectively. Heat within the sauna room can help removal of toxins like THC from the body before drug testing. At the same time ensure that sufficient quantities of water are taken throughout before the urine drug screening. You should also be aware of the fact that exercise could increase THC content in the urine, so two to three days before the drug test, it is better to stop exercising completely. One or two days before the drug test, completely avoid taking any drug and any kind of medication absolutely.

    If any kind of medication is taken it would simply complicate the situation and drug testing. Try avoiding the toxic substance completely before the urine drug screening and in this way there will be no traces of any toxin in the urine sample as well as blood sample. Cravings for the drug will keep increasing as each day passes, but it is only with proper self control that you can overcome the drug habit and clear the drug screening eye protocol. With the help of a fake result you should know that you can get that job but not a detox. What you should bee working towards especially now since you know that you have to take the right steps to correct the situation, is opting for rehab.

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