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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drug Screenings

    Read about drug screenings.

    Drug testing is the technical analysis of biological specimens to determine the presence or absence of certain drugs and drug metabolites in the system of the subject. Many public and private employers have been routinely conducting drug testing programs in their companies to perform a random check on their employees. The main concern of the employees is to maintain a healthy workplace and workforce and minimize the rate of accidents. The problem of drug addiction is severe and affects the professional life of an employee; it is a great problem for the employers. Although, it requires investment by the company, the advantages of performing a drug check are many. Most of the companies follow a pronged method; initially they test all the new recruits and later carry random checks on the present team members. It is necessary to pass a drug test in schools and colleges as well.

    The use of drugs can spread like a disease, it is thus necessary to solve the problem. This has made drug testing mandatory by the government. After the Drug Free Workplace Act 1988, many private companies have also adopted drug testing programs. A drug testing program checks for the five most commonly abused drugs counting cannabis, cocaine, opiates, PCP and amphetamines. A drug test can come up in several forms namely blood drug test, urine drug test, hair test and oral fluid testing. However abusers are expert cons and they are aware of the testing methods. When it comes to passing a drug test, they can go to any extent. Many companies have come forth to help the abusers pass drug test. There are several drug tests detox kits that help them prepare for a screening.

    A combination of blood and urine drug test is considered to be the most reliable method, although both the methods have their own merits and demerits. Blood test is effective in determining the exact quantity of drug present in the blood stream at the time of screening. Urine drug test can be easily tampered with and is not preferred by many insurance companies. Saliva drug test are becoming more prevalent these days and are replacing urine tests in many companies because of their ease and instantaneous nature. And finally the most accurate method of testing that can detect the use of drugs within last 90 days is hair follicle test. Passing a hair test can prove to be a difficult task.

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