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  • October 7th, 2010

    Drug Test

    When you think about how to pass a drug test, there can be two questions related to this issue. The answer is blowing in the puzzle as to the type of drug you have been using and how to hide the toxins from the drug test alert systems.

    The most sought after drug is the pot. It is famous but illegal. The toxins that come from this drug do last longer and cannot be removed easily. So if you are using drugs apart from this pot, you might have a fair chance of winning the drug test game that is yet to take over you.

    The most well known tampering technique is water. Creatnine is the tampering technique and it is excreted from the system. This creatnine level is reduced due to the urine getting diluted because of drug intake. So this method will never help you to pass a drug test. You will be caught. Another tampering method is to try out nitrites or oxidants such as Klear, Whizzies. The initial effect of nitrates is to meet with antibody binding in lateral flow tests and GC/MS confirmation testing of Cannabinoids positives. At times even pH samples can cause a lot of havoc. In case you are trying to hide your drug toxins, the pH of the sample can easily give impetus to rare the enzymatic and antibody reactions in urine drug tests. It may so happen that the chemical balance of the drug or drug metabolite may be overshadowed that would give out a false negative or negative test reaction. This would increase your drug test complications and you might be called for another retest. The technological advancement has grown in leaps and bounds. So even if you try to hide those flaws in your body, you might be in a trouble. Most of the companies are using this drug testing technique to hire and fire people at the same time. It is therefore not feasible to try out tricky games. Once you get into a trap it will be very difficult to come out of this.

    So try and restrain yourself from drugs. Stop feeling low and dejected. Move on in life. Take challenges, face them and take the effort to win them. Recourse to drugs will only push you into a deeper oblivion and make you reach deep down under.

    How to pass

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