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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drug Test And Amphetamine Detection

    Read more about ways of drug test and amphetamine detection.

    Drug detection time period and minimum concentration of drug metabolites are two main factors which are contributing extensively for positive result. Accuracy of the result is depend on the drug detection window period, history of drug abuse, Way of testing used, drug metabolic count as well as lots of indirect factors. Drug testing laboratories are contributing great effort for successful execution of testing. They run as per the set and compulsory guidelines published by SAMHSA.

    As per the SAMHSA rules, drug testing is conducted in two phases, first one is primary screening and second is confirmatory tests. These are approved standard methods and many drug testing laboratories are stick to this only. Primary screening is carried out through urine analysis. Where as for confirmatory testing more advance technology is used. With the techniques like GC/MS you are getting more perfect and accurate form of testing.

    In primary screening, drug metabolic percentage is taken into consideration. If it is below the standard cut off level then your test reports will definitely come negative. If you test above the cut off level then only your samples are proceed for confirmative mode of testing. Most basic types of screening incorporate commonly abuse drugs. Amphetamines contribute drugs like meth, ecstasy, speed and crank. If you look for the drug test and amphetamine detection, then drug metabolic value must be greater than 500ng/ml. This is the case for pre confirmatory that is screening phase. If you want to pass confirmatory testing too then amphetamine concentration should be below the 250 ng/ml.

    How will you proceed to reduce the drug concentration of amphetamine? Very first, as soon as you know your screening date start drinking lots of water. There is no other remedy than drinking water and passing a drug test. Water acts as diluting agent and readily dilutes the drug metabolic concentration. As per its natural property, water tends to increase the urination frequency. Free drug metabolites get way to pass out from the body. If you check drug test and amphetamine detection then you will see that you avail for its traces right from 2 hours to 4 days.

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