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  • November 9th, 2010

    Drug Test For Heroin

    Drug test for heroin

    There are almost five basic types of drug tests that are carried out and the drugs include marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and other chemical substances that come under the controlled substances. Heroin is derived from opium which is nothing but a plant called poppy which secretes a dark colored latex or gum that is processed into many opiates. These derivatives can range from heroin to morphine. Some are used as recreational drugs and some are used in medicines and medical procedures such as operations. Heroin is very potent, powerful and harmful drug that has the ability to kill if taken chronically or abused too often.

    Heroin is the most potent and harmful drug of all the common drugs that are tested and can be lethal if taken in large amounts. Typically this drug is a sedative and can have a calming effect on a person. Morphine which is an opium derivative and similar to heroin is used in general anesthesia or even in wars when death has to be administered painlessly to soldiers who are beyond hope. So the repercussions of taking such drugs are dire and if tested positive, these may have more serious consequences compared to soft drugs such as marijuana.

    Heroin can be detected easily in hair follicle drug testing and can be detected in urine for three to four days. However, this depends on the potency of the drug and the amount of drugs that are consumed. But even a single hit within 90 days of testing can lead to the screening turning out to be positive. Another derivative of heroin is brown sugar and it has almost the same chemical composition compared to heroin. The difference is that heroin is pure and brown sugar is the residual waste. The latter can also lead to a positive if taken within three or four days of ncaa drug testing.

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