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  • October 7th, 2010

    Ncaa Drug Testing

    NCAA drug testing and you

    Are you the one who wish to fight for the country? In my opinion a soldier deserves the highest regard as it is due to him only that you can have good nights sleep in the comfort of your home whereas he sweats it out in the rugged terrain. If you have decide to join the military then hats off to you. Offering your services for the military is truly a very big decision and therefore carries the highest honor for the service rendered. However the tough training given and the difficult lifestyles makes it necessary for a drug test. NCAA drug testing and you have to face the consequences so that only a medically fit person gets admission into the military. In order to prove yourself and show yourself to be the macho man it is possible that you could be doing drugs not realizing that the advance techniques available with the government today are enough to detect even a slight trace of drug.

    Do you really want to be a soldier?

    If you really want to join the military you should first find out how to beat a military drug test. The military battalion is a disciplined lot and so it is very difficult to come clean if you have been into drugs. Therefore if you have set your mind, then you can start in advance by detoxifying your body. First stop the intake of the drug that you have been taking and then start a vigorous routine of detoxification. Drink lots of water, fruit juices and all kinds of liquids. Also sweat it out through workouts as sweating also helps in throwing out the toxic waste in the form of sweat. At this time eat healthy and nutritious food so that your body is full of energy and it becomes strong enough to endure the rough training and the disciplined life which you have to follow all your life. So friends, I feel so proud for those of you who have decided to join the military, so don’t you worry how to beat a military test because if you have made up your mind that no drug tests can be an obstacle to achieve your goal

    I salute you for the courageous decision that you have taken.

    How to pass